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来源: 东方文学城 时间:2024-04-20
1、这天气,上班就得吹西北风,不上班就等着喝西北风。 In this weather, you have to blow northwest wind when you go to work, and wait for northwest wind when you don't go to work. 2、有脸做好你的人,没脸闭上你的嘴! The person who has the face to be you, has no face to shut your mouth! 3、要让我的人生不留遗憾,那你就要一辈子陪在我身边。 To let my life leave no regrets, then you have to accompany me all your life. 4、别说我小气,我没资格大方。 Don't call me mean, I'm not qualified to be generous. 5、命运就像手掌中的纹路,弯弯曲曲,却总掌握在自己手中。 Fate is like the lines in the palm of the hand, winding, but always in their own hands. 6、你是钢琴的第八十九键,是我永恒触摸不到的距离。 You are the 89th key of the piano, the distance I can never touch. 7、你喜欢的那人只是凡人,是你的喜欢,才让他镀上金身。 The person you like is just a mortal. It's your love that makes him plated with gold. 8、习惯了安逸,日子就过成了发条,生活也只剩下滴答滴答。 Used to ease, life has become a spring, life is only tick tick tick. 9、如果伱在天堂遇到我,请装作不认识我的样子。 If you meet me in heaven, please pretend you don't know me. 10、童年时代有好多难忘的记忆,每每想起,我都历历在目。 There are many unforgettable memories in my childhood, which I always remember. 11、如果一个人足够喜欢你,他一定会来找你,没有例外。 If a person likes you enough, he will come to you without exception. 12、不一样的你我,不一样的心态,不一样的人生。 Different you and me, different mentality, different life. 13、茫天地,你只死心塌地眷着伞下的那一刹那温情。 Boundless heaven and earth, you only devote yourself to the moment of warmth under the umbrella. 14、有些人就像指缝的阳光,温暖,美好,却永远无法抓住。 Some people are like the sunshine between their fingers, warm and beautiful, but they can never be grasped. 15、成熟不是为了走向复杂,而是为了抵达天真。 Maturity is not for complexity, but for innocence. 16、感情的事情,人都能想清,但偏偏都不愿放弃。 Emotional things, people can think clearly, but are reluctant to give up. 17、其实,你的唠叨是我一生中很幸福的时候,而我却不知道。 In fact, your nagging is the happiest time in my life, but I don't know. 18、拿生命来赌,谁也赌不起,立下的誓言,立下了碑。 Take life to gamble, no one can afford to gamble, made the oath, set the monument. 19、我们能不能当这件事没发生过,以后好好的好不好? Can we treat it as if it didn't happen, and do well in the future? 20、希望是引导人成功的信仰。如果没了希望,便一事无成。 Hope is the belief that leads people to success. If there is no hope, nothing can be achieved. 21、那些没说出的想念,都变成了黑黑的眼圈。 Those who did not say miss, have become a black eye. 22、应该用加上10岁的心态考虑事情,然后再减去10岁面对现实。 We should add 10 years old mentality to consider things, and then subtract 10 years old to face the reality. 23、愿你像那石灰,别人越是浇你冷水,你越是沸腾。 May you be like the lime. The more people pour cold water on you, the more boiling you are. 24、爱情的结局是,我离开了,你却要继续挽留。 The end of love is, I left, but you have to continue to retain. 25、就算全世界都对你恶语相加,还有我对你说上一世的情话。 Even if the whole world is spiteful to you, and I say the love words of the last life to you. 26、他说他的漫漫余生里,不再有我的存在了。 He said that for the rest of his life, there was no longer me. 27、人生就是:定性,知事,选梦,遇人,择城,终老。 Life is: qualitative, magistrate, choose a dream, meet people, choose a city, die. 28、后来,但凡有人和你有半分相似,我都想要竭尽所有对他好。 Later, whenever someone is half like you, I want to do my best to be good to him. 29、曾经的海枯石烂,抵不过一句好聚好散。 Once the sea is dry and the stone is rotten, but a good gathering and scattering. 30、得不到的爱人总归是风,强留千百次也终究会走。 Can not get the love is always the wind, forced to stay thousands of times will eventually go. 31、有时候你以为天要塌下来了,其实是自己站歪了。 Sometimes you think the sky is going to fall, but actually you stand askew. 32、我这一生都太安静,思考太久,现在就该行动了。 I've been so quiet and thoughtful all my life that it's time to act. 33、那究竟是怎样的一段时光,让我们眼角含泪,笑着忧伤。 What kind of time it was, let us tears in the corner of our eyes, smile sad. 34、一个人我活得潇洒自在。 I live a free and unrestrained life alone. 35、不要羡慕别人的人生,你看见的,不会是他们经历的所有。 Don't envy other people's life. What you see won't be all they experience. 36、不要和我硬碰硬,我受得是伤,你丢的是命。 Don't try to be tough with me. I'm hurt and you lose your life. 37、别和哥谈感情,你不是哥要谈的那个人。 Don't talk about feelings with me. You are not the one I want to talk about. 38、把你看得过于简单,很终使我彻底入迷。 I think you are too simple, and eventually I am completely fascinated. 39、感谢那些走进我生活里后,再也没离开过的人。 Thank those who come into my life and never leave. 40、你不知道,我鼓起了多大的勇气才敢念念不忘。 You don't know how much courage it took me to remember. 41、我还没有真正拥有过你,却真的永远失去你了。 I haven't really owned you, but I really lost you forever. 42、别打听我是什么样的人,没坏到你身上我就是好人。 Don't ask what kind of person I am. I'm a good person if it's not bad for you. 43、往后余生,以梦为马,不负此生,不负己心。 For the rest of my life, I will live up to my dream. 44、在这弱肉强食的生存游戏里,我是幸存者,我为什么要伤心。 In this survival game of the jungle, I am a survivor. Why should I be sad. 45、沉迷在喧哗的世界,是否能忘记伤痛。 Indulge in the noisy world, whether can forget the pain. 46、除了冷锋就是暖锋,希望我们的关系,可以变成准静止锋。 In addition to the cold front is the warm front, I hope our relationship can become quasi static. 47、愿你没有软肋,也不需要铠甲。 May you have no weakness and no need of armor. 48、有人说,爱是条河,容易将柔弱的芦苇淹没。 Some people say that love is a river, easy to drown the weak reed. 49、爱只需要一个理由,离去,却有千百个借口! Love only needs one reason to leave, but there are thousands of excuses! 50、我可能不完美,但至少我不虚伪。 I may not be perfect, but at least I'm not hypocritical. 51、要成功,先发狂,下定决心往前冲。 To succeed, go crazy and make up your mind to go ahead. 52、在生命所有的季节播种,喜悦存在于劳动的过程中。 Sowing in all seasons of life, joy exists in the process of labor. 53、时间慢慢流过荒芜的青春,开始不分昼夜的感伤。 Time flows slowly through the barren youth and begins to feel sad day and night. 54、能给你的全都给你我都舍得,除了让你知道我心如刀割。 I'm willing to give you everything I can, except to let you know that my heart is like a knife. 55、虽然你已经淡出我的视线,但永远不会淡出我的回忆。 Although you have faded out of my sight, but will never fade out of my memory. 56、有的时候,一个错误就能轻易让别人忘记你所有的好。 Sometimes, a mistake can easily make others forget all your good things. 57、不惜寸阴于今日,必留遗憾于明朝。 Regardless of Cunyin today, will leave regret in the Ming Dynasty. 58、女人独有的天真,和温柔的天分,要留给深爱你的人。 Women's unique innocence and gentle talent should be left to those who love you deeply. 59、不必因昨天的眼泪,湿了今天的太阳。 Don't wet today's sun because of yesterday's tears. 60、曾经太多话想讲,缺始终缺乏勇气,没开得了口。 Once too many words want to say, lack always lack courage, did not open the mouth.





